Sunday, February 27, 2011

I missed you

I missed the way you smile in the mirror
The grace in your walk with a touch of peace in every step
I missed the way you talk
With such kindness with every breathe
I missed the way you think
With every problem there is a solution
I missed the way you write
With every stroke of the pen there is a message
I missed the way you care
With touch and words healing comes
I missed the way you dressed
You dress with ease and comfort
The person that I missed is myself

Who do we love?

Who do I love?
Do I love myself enough to heal myself
Who do I love?
Do I hurt myself because I am hurt?
Who do I love?
Do I care for others eventhough they dont do the same
How can someone love a being they dont and dont love the one they see eveyday?
Is that love or is it just something for that time being?
Lies, hurt, fustration, confusion play a role in destruction
We say we love but do we really?
We say we care but do we really?
We say that we are there for each other but do we?
Questions, questions, questions, keeps coming up but no answers at all
The real honest truth who do we really love?
Do we love for a selfish gain, or to be important?
Who do we love?
Ohh the questions keep coming up but no one is answering them.
Who do we love?

Who am I really?

Who am I really?
Am I the person that lie her way through or am I the person who work her way through
Who am I really?
Am I the person who can be heartless when disappointed or am I the person who show compassion regardless?
Who am I really?
Am I the person who can be use by the force of darkness or am I the person who strive to be the light?
Who am I really?
Am I the person who let things get me down, or am I the person who brush the dirt from my shoe and keep moving
Who am I trying to be strive to be like?
Is it me inside or someone on the outside?
Do I really dont like the being of flesh that is created?
Or do I love and not know who I really am?
Who am I really?

Am I my sisters keeper?

Am I my sister's keeper or thos are just words
breaking down the essense of a person
Let them fall with out even a thought.
Am I my sister's keeper
Saying that you are there, and you are not
Saying one thing and do another
Am I really my sister's keeper
Am I the person who says that I am there for you but turn, but turn around and curse you
Am I my sister's Keeper
We are sisters suppose to be there for each other but we are not as a whole
Are we our sister's keeper or that was just talk.
Hurt, Pain and fustration coming into the heart by feeling you are alone
Are we our sister's keeper?
Even though we are different and unique in our own way
That is what makes us special
For we love one person in a own way
But the question is.
Do we really love each other or that is all talk?
Are we really our sister's keeper?
That is the question we need to ask ourself.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I Praise You

Dear Yahwah and Ruwah Kodesh,

I want to thank you for everything that you have done for me. I have my short comings but you was there for me to correct myself.

I love you and I praise you both whole heartedly.

You gave me the breath of life that i can see the creation that is before me.

Abba and Ema I love you.

You gave me the spirit to know who you are in me and around me.

Abba, todah rabbah for the love and the correction that you stored in my life

Ema, todah Rabbah for the compassion who have for me.

The humility that I have, I can heard your soft voice.

Every day I thank you, and praise you

For I am your daughter of Light.

I love you with all my heart, soul, body and mind

Your daughter of the Light

I say shalom shalom